Sunday, September 26, 2010

kalau buat jahat masuk neraka

> solat tiang agama
> solat juga perkara pertama akan dihisab oleh Allah nnti
> sblm solat, jika makanan terhidang, atau kita sedang lapar, makan la dulu sedikit, utk menjaga hati kita, dan kusyuknye didalam solat.
> solat sebagai medium utk kite berehat dan kembali bertenaga utk melakukan tugas2 seterusnye...
> solat berjemaah utk meneutralkan cas didalam badan kite...
> hikmah nye setiap solat dengan rakaat tertentu:

subuh 2: kerana kite baru bgun tido dan tidak banyak cas utk dineutralkan
zuhur 4: setelah penat bekerja di pagi hari, bnyk cas -ve didalam badan utk di hindarkan
asar 4: meneutralkan kembali cas2 utk kerja yg kite lakukan selepas zuhur
maghrib 3: kurangnye aktiviti dilakukan selepas asar memerlukan hanya sedikit perpindahan cas dr badan...
isya' 4: membantu kite mendapat tenaga utk bangun bersembahyang malam...



Saturday, August 28, 2010

baju raya x beli lagi

raya patut nye sederhana saja kan? jadi, mungkin boleh kalo x beli baju, btol? :) bju bola bnyk lagi, bleh je pkai time raya.. :) (ibu jgn marah yer bu kalo pakai baju bola).... rasa seperti juga ingin membeli, tapi, tiada peruntukan... rasa nk beli hp, tp, skang ni, road tax lak masalah... terbantut niat nak beli hp... haha... adoyai... :) so, tunggu peruntukan road tax dulu la nampaknye... ish3... sian saya... ape? korang x kesian? cesss....

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cookies Fung Seng

Hari ini, aku mau bercerita tentang Fung Seng... kedai kek kat muo... tempat aku and adik2 aku beli kek masa hari jadi kami.. :) kek murah, affordable buat kami utk membeli nye... :) bile dari dulu beli kat sini, aku jadi pelik dan kagum juga memandang sedikit serong pada org yg beli kek hari jadi mahal2... 70++ utk satu kek... haha.. macam boleh beli 3 kek kat Fung Seng... 3 utk setiap sorg kami adik beradik... ibu kami memang xnk beli, bukan xmau belikan... hehe... FIZA la yg mula2 memperkenal kn aku kat dunia serba kesenangan ini.. ;) sbb memang dia dalam keluarga senang... bile start mengenali fiza, meaning bile dah start menjadi pasangan ni, makin bnyk persoalan aku... persoalan yg sblm ni aku x penah trpk sbb naif sgt tentang hal dunia ni... mungkin kah, bile kita dalam keadaan hidup yg senang, secara x langsung ape yg disekeliling kite juga akan berubah.... kek fung seng kepada kek secret recipe, naik bas kpd naik kapal terbang, usha brg 70% kpd usha brg new arrival..... hehe... aku masih lagi berpk sekarang... berpk dan terus berpk... :D tak tahu lah ape jadinye....

jadi, boleh la skarang berbalik kepada cookies... sprti tajuk diatas....
pada zaman dulu kala, ada sekeping cookies yg sedap di makan, di jual di kedai fung seng.... harganye cume 80sen.... ia mungkin selebar 3-4jari... namun, keadaan sudah berubah.... 2jari sahaja kelebarannye skarang, dan harganye sudah bertambah menjadi seringgit.... kenikmatan dikurang kn... sbb, makan kejap je dah habis... :)

xpelah, mungkin itu strategi nk tmbh keuntungan n kenaikan harga2 brg kn, jadi, harga itu mungkin munasabah... dan cerita nye lagi best, bile pada satu malam, bile aku mau mmbeli cookies tersebut, tp x kesmpaian sebab ramai sgt org yg beratur ingin mmbayar, yg mungkin membuatkan ku terlepas bas Hasry ke Ipoh... jd, niat di batalkn... adik ku yg menghantar ku ke stesen bas, terus perjalanan nya ke sana, kerana aku tiada tujuan lain, tambahan pula jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 9.45 malam, waktu yg juga tercatat pada tiket bas aku... dah hantar, patin balik... (penat lak nk tulis macam novel... haha) aku pon tunggu je la bas... tibe2, patin datang semula dan bagi kat aku, 3 cookies fung seng! hahahah... seronok dan terkejut... terharu juga sedikit... nasib x menangis je la sbb depan org ramai... hehe... tengkiu patin... very thoughtful of u... heh heh heh... bukan senang patin rajin nk belikan ni... tp, malam tu dia beli kn... ala2 surprise... haha.. cam first time je patin buat surprise kat abg... best patin! best! :)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wajib utk Umat Islam!

ini jawapannye adik ku, abg mu ini, berpuasa.... :)
kenapa ya kamu ragu2? hah hah... tapi tidak mengapa...
abg ingt adik kata abg ni smoking, sbb abg dikelilingi orang merokok.. haha...
percayalah... abg ni x merokok.. hehe...

patin, kau tu, kalo nk buat benda selain tido, buat la... tp, ingt, tahun ni penting... PALING PENTING!!! jd, jgn abaikan yg tu... my lil sis, i dont want you to cry at the end of the day... we all love u sis, and all of us want the best from u...
always remember that... :)

kan dah 19 tahun kan, think about your future... ye lil sis...

Imam bersuara sedap....

> Imam mengetuai solat jemaah...
> soalnye, ape kah yg diperlukan untuk seseorang itu layak menjadi imam?
> utk mengetahui dgn lebih jelas, patut merujuk dengan yg lbih arif...

> tp, dalam dunia sekarang ini, ada x imam dipilih, berdasarkn kelunakan suara nye ketika membaca surah2 dari Al-Quran? kalo macam itu lah kisah nye, bgaimana hukumnya?
> sy ada dengar, di mana, pd akhir zaman, imam2 akan dipilih berdasarkan kelunakan suara, bukan ilmu di dada.... setakat mana kebenarannye, kite tetap perlu teruskan bacaan, kajian...
> sy disini cume smpaikan, ape yg didengar dan dilihat...


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


> life is unexpected
> today, u might lose ur precious things...
> and this coming week, newcastle might win the match against man utd
> haha... that a bit about unexpected things in life
> we must face it... maybe prepare a lil bit...

The Following story i considered as FUNNY~ as it involve me... :)

Bedah is the title for the theater show that i have gone to last Sunday.. i planned to go with ijaz, but, it didnt turn out as so... after several calls, i decided to go by myself.. so, i sit alone.. there are few parts in the show, mimes, poetry, singing, monologue, and lastly, 'Bedah'... during the mime, one of the show is about film director... so, the mimer picked up 4 people including me to assist him in his show... when it is started, the mimer asked each one of us to copy his doing... more to loosen up a little bit.. im the first one, so, when his done, spontaneously i asked him to do it once more, he did... and when it comes to the third time, people are laughing... but, eventually, i did it... there goes people laughing... :) i like! next, is the scene including all picked audience. the scene is about me who is showing my love towards her, when suddenly, his admirer came and shot me... so, i died, and actress also died. thats about the scene...

the best part came after the show, where people were asking whether all the acts are planned. heheh... u guess? of course u all know, it is spontaneous... it stated there in there title... haha.. so, in life, maybe there are times where we need to act spontaneously... and so the times that we need to stay silence... it all depends on the situation,aye? i acted that way so that people will laugh and have their great times coming to the show... :)


p/s: i will try to get the video of the show... :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

typically badet

> today is August 7... last update is on August 4...
> badet got a comment from his fellow friend, about the post on this blog...
> It is a positive one! :) thanks to the person...
> when the person told, that this blog is "stereotype", for the first time badet began to wonder, what does this blog is about?
> is it a story of badet? story about life itself? story about world around badet?
> anything could be included in badet's blog...
> life changes... also this blog... the changes may be the effects of the changes around badet, also his mind and attitude...
> mature attitude convey to mature discussion....